Welcome to the world of Oti-Bot, an educational robot designed to introduce students to programming & robotics.
Oti-Bot is truly a forward-looking robot, ready to work with new and changing needs within the programming curriculum. One of these areas is Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning. Therefore, we’d like to introduce four of Oti’s exciting functions that provide engaging opportunities for students to delve into the world of AI.
Let’s explore each function and its benefits for students.
Understanding the Concept of Perception: Students can learn about the concept of perception as Oti-Bot uses its sensors to detect and interpret the light reflected from drawn lines. This function allows students to explore how systems process sensor data to make decisions and navigate along the line.
Programming Logic and Decision Making: Engaging in programming activities using logic, students can better understand decision making and branching based on the line’s position. This hands-on experience helps students understand how AI systems make decisions and take actions based on sensor input.
Real-World Applications: Students can discuss and explore how line following, and colour sensing functions are used in fields like robotics, automation, and everyday devices like autonomous vacuum cleaners. This discussion deepens their understanding of AI’s practical applications, and the challenges involved in designing AI systems for specific tasks.
Understanding Sensor-Based Perception: Students can learn about sensor-based perception as Oti-Bot uses its sensors to gather data about colours and make decisions based on inputted information. This function allows students to explore how AI systems use sensor input to understand and interact with the world.
Programming Logic and Decision Making: Through programming activities, students can control Oti-Bot’s behaviour in colour sensing tasks. They can use logic, conditions and loops, to guide Oti-Bot’s movements or actions based on sensor readings. This hands-on experience helps students understand how AI systems make decisions and take actions based on various sensor input.
Problem-Solving and Optimization: Colour-sensing tasks often require problem-solving and optimisation. Students can explore different strategies to improve Oti-Bot’s performance, such as adjusting sensor thresholds or implementing algorithms for colour recognition. This encourages critical thinking and experimentation to optimize the behaviour of AI systems.
Hands-on Experience with Facial Recognition: Oti-Bot allows students to have a hands-on experience with facial recognition through machine learning. They can use the facial recognition function to learn, store and recognise faces, gaining an understanding of how AI systems process and identify faces based on visual data.
Programming and Customization: Students can engage in programming activities to customise Oti-Bot’s facial recognition behaviour. They can use the recognised face data to program a variety of different outputs. This programming experience helps students understand how AI systems can be customized and tailored to specific requirements.
Exploring Ethical Considerations: Facial recognition technology raises important ethical considerations. Students can engage in discussions about privacy, consent, and potential biases associated with facial recognition. This exploration allows students to critically analyse the societal impact of this technology and its benefits and potential risks.
Hands-on Interaction: Oti-Bot’s capacitive touch sensors allow students to have a tactile experience with touch-based interactions. They can touch different parts of Oti-Bot and program the robot to behave differently based on this. This interactive experience helps students understand how AI systems can detect and interpret touch input from users and can introduce new ways of interacting with technology.
Understanding Sensor Technology: Oti-Bot’s capacitive touch sensors provide an opportunity for students to learn about different types of sensors used in AI systems. They can explore how capacitive touch sensors work, detecting changes in capacitance when touched by a conductive object. Students can understand the principles behind touch sensing and its application in AI technology.
Programming Interactions: Students can engage in programming activities to control Oti-Bot’s behaviour based on touch sensor input. They can write code to make Oti-Bot respond in specific ways when touched, such as playing sounds, displaying messages, or initiating specific actions. This programming experience helps students understand how AI systems can be programmed to respond to touch interactions.
These four functions are samples of the ways in which Oti-Bot provides an engaging and educational platform for students to learn about AI. Through
hands-on experiences, programming activities, and discussions, students can develop a practical understanding of AI concepts and their real-world applications.
Oti-Bot opens the door to exciting conversations and learning opportunities surrounding AI in schools and is one of six robots on the TTS Programming Journey: the only robotics range to develop computational thinking and programming skills from Early Years to ages 12 and beyond. For more information on the full Programming Journey, visit the TTS Programming Journey .